St. Patrick,
humble apostle of Ireland,
we, the children whom you won for Christ,
come to beg your powerful intercession.
We are buried in the bog of our own sinfulness.
Lift us up by this prayer of faith,
and give ear to our cry of repentance.
Father of our faith,
stand with us to praise our Father in heaven,
to worship Christ Jesus our Lord,
and to plead for the grace of the Holy Spirit,
and the intercession of Mary our Queen.
From our true home the Church,
send us forth once more to proclaim to the whole world
that Jesus Christ is Lord of all,
and Saviour of all.
Leaflets available from: The Secretary, St. Vincent Ministry to Priests,
P.O. Box 1559, Palm Harbor, FL 34682, USA; Tel. (727)784-6462
KJS With permission of the Local Ordinary.