Experiencing the Risen Christ
by Fr. Kevin Scallon, C.M.
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Queenship Publishing; Telephone: #800 647 9882
Softcover Book, 132pp.
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Veritas, 7-9 Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, Ireland;
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Softcover Book, €10.95
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“It gives me great joy and pleasure to introduce to you the author of I Will Come Myself, Fr. Kevin Scallon, C.M… It was thirty-two years ago that I had the blessing of meeting Fr. Kevin at All Hallows College in Dublin.
It was a meeting that certainly changed my life and deepened my love and appreciation for God’s gifts of the priesthood and His sacraments. Within this book you will find many inspirational stories of the power of the sacraments.
This book beautifully celebrates the presence of the Risen Christ. Fr. Kevin tells of many personal and amazing experiences both within his own life and in the lives of those to whom he has ministered. As you read I Will Come Myself, I know you will enjoy Fr. Kevin’s delightful Irish fun loving humor. It is known that laughter is the great tonic for the soul and there is no shortage of tonic when you encounter Fr. Kevin in the pages if this book.”
Sr. Briege McKenna, O.S.C.
“On receiving a complimentary copy of Fr. Kevin’s book during our annual priests’ retreat, what I read so moved me that I ordered copies for all the retreatants. It is my prayer that these simple, yet profound anecdotes will inspire many, many priests to pattern their lives once again on Jesus, our great High Priest.”
+ Victor Galeone, Bishop of St. Augustine
“The manuscript of Fr. Kevin’s book arrived in the mail one afternoon. The time slipped by as I turned the pages and thought of all the priests who would receive so much from these words. This books is a gift, a witness of someone alert to the action of Our Lord Jesus in, around, and through a priest. It should encourage us all, laity and priests, to be proud of Our Lord Jesus and of his gift of the priesthood which he shares with vessels of clay “to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us.”
Fr. Francis Martin
“A priest is ordained into “the order of Melchizedek” and thus will be a priest for eternity; some seem to have been priests from eternity, they so deeply believe in the truths of the faith and so selflessly live for others. Fr. Kevin Scallon is such a priest; he is priest through and through and always manifests the absorbing delight he experiences in his priesthood.
One of Fr. Kevin’s special apostolates is the “Intercession for Priests” Retreat. Twice I have spoken for the “Intercession” and have been very moved by the loving care Fr. Kevin provides for all who attend. Every August for decades he has been holding a month-long series of talks and retreats in Dublin for priests. You can imagine how harried the good priests of Ireland are in the wake of the terrible sex abuse scandals that have occurred there! Many good priests are truly experiencing the crucifixion through their sympathy with victims and through the hatred and rejection directed to themselves…”
Dr. Janet Smith
November 24, 2009