The Intercession for Priests is open to Bishops, priests and deacons only. The week goes from Monday morning to Friday lunch. It is necessary for priests to register. Priests attending the Intercession for Priests are required to produce a celebret or the equivalent from the Church authority. When present they are expected to take part in the spiritual exercises of the Intercession for Priests.
Guest Speaker: to be determined
Schedule (tentative)
Monday – Thursday
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Morning Prayer (Divine Office) Intercession
10:15 Quiet Time – (for prayer, intercession and reflection in silence)
11:15 Coffee
11:45 Eucharist (on Tuesday and Thursday the Liturgy of the Anointing of
the Sick will be included for anyone who requests it).
1:00 Lunch (afterwards free for rest, recreation, etc.)
3:00 Sacrament of Reconciliation
3:30 Tea
4:00 Intercession
Monday: for the grace of Repentance
Tuesday: for Healing
Wednesday: for Renewal of our Priesthood
Thursday: for the needs of all Priests
5:30 Evening Prayer (Divine Office)
6:00 Supper
7:15 Rosary – followed by a talk
Theme For Each Day
Monday: Repentance and Reconciliation
Tuesday: Healing
Wednesday: Priesthood and Eucharist
Thursday: Mary The Mother of The Church / Discipleship
Core Group
Fr. Bogdan Biela
ul. Miarkowej 15b/8, 41-709 Ruda Slaska 9, Poland.
Fr. Pawel Druszcz SDB
Piazza Ateneo Salesiano 1, 00139 Roma, Italy
Fr. Pablo Escriva de Romani
Limon, Costa Rica
Fr. Michal Golubiewski OP
ul. Dominikańska 2, 02-741 Warszawa, Poland.
Fr. Rafal Gronski, OP
Fr. Tadeusz Skrzypczyk
ul. Mickiewicza 11, 44-240 Zory, Poland.
Sr. Briege McKenna, OSC
PO Box 1559, Palm Harbor, FL 34682, USA